Ten important pieces of work you should know about


10 notable works of art You should know about. If you hobnob with the rich and famous, or you took an art class in college, you probably know these works of art, but for the rest of us, it’s interesting to know. Appreciating art by the most famous artists in the world is subjective for […]

Get safe and get certified

Want to ‘own’ your own safety? BECOME A PERSONAL SAFETY PRACTITIONER See the founders video Situational Self Awareness Take the first step and learn how to protect yourself & those you love. What you will learn when you take this intuitive, civilian friendly course, in the comfort of your own home: “Heads Up” Situational Awareness […]

Authentic Louis Vuitton

Designer items for auction

Authentic (or Fake) Louis Vuitton Some tips to tell the difference between authentic vs counterfeit. Learn about fake Chanel here Counterfeit designer items are a $461 billions dollar industry. Many counterfeit items are purchased with the buyer well aware they are getting a copy-cat, but there are transactions where fake products are being passed off as authentic.  […]

Sports & Hollywood Memorabilia Auction 2020


Sports & Hollywood Memorabilia Al Capone, John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, Derek Jeter, Micky Mantle, Yogi Berra, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson, and more.  These are just a few of the exciting personalities represented in the Sports and Hollywood memorabilia auction on Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. The auction will include hundreds of […]

How to get max value at resale


Hire the right people for the right job. Let our 35 years of experience work for you. If you’ve decided to sell a piece of jewelry or a jewelry collection, you righly want to get the best return. A little bit of preparation will serve you well. Clean and make repairs. You want your jewelry […]

Gucci Horsebit

gucci bag

Gucci Horsebit Ever since J Lo started wearing so much Gucci, the brand has really been taken to another level. One of Gucci’s most sought after long time, classic collections is the Horsebit collection. The first handbag from the Horsebit collection was created in 1955 and following the success of it a host of other […]

Corona Virus Orange County

Corona Virus Orange County

The Corona Virus in Orange County We’ve all been dealing with the Corona virus and being locked down in our homes for over six weeks now. There is light at the end of the tunnel but no one thought it would go on this long and affect so many people so deeply.  We are all […]

Modern furniture show in Santa Monica


My attempt to buy a Warhol at 18. Funny story (sort of). When I was about 18 years old and had my first apartment, I wanted to furnish it with mid century furnishings. It was a tiny studio so I didn’t need much but I knew enough to know that I was interested in a […]

Great Tips For Seniors Who Want To Remain Independent


Downsizing Tips For Seniors Downsizing can be a major life change for seniors who want to remain independent, except in the best possible way. Moving into a smaller home brings many benefits, including having less to take care of, less to pay for, and fewer chances of accidents or injury, especially if your new home […]