Milo Baughman furnishings


Everyone loves Milo Baughman furniture California Estate Sales and Auction Company consigns, auctions, and offers all types of vintage furnishings, art, and jewelry for both private and public sale.  One of the most desired vintage brands that always creates big buzz are pieces by Milo Baughman. Whether they are original or recovered and restored, there […]



STEUBEN GLASS If you have an Steuben glass pieces or a Steuben collection for sale, we would like to speak to you.  Steuben is an iconic American glass manufacturer. Although the firm has gone through changes in ownership it still produces art glass today. Steuben has a rich history of having their pieces displayed in […]

Cocktail Hour

vintage ring

Cocktail Hour In regards to gift giving, when the velvet ring box won’t shut tight, I know I’m gonna love what is inside. When it comes to jewels, bigger is better, hence the ‘cocktail ring’. A cocktail ring is a ring that is larger than usual, meant to attract attention, and typically made of a […]

Gucci Horsebit

gucci bag

Gucci Horsebit Ever since J Lo started wearing so much Gucci, the brand has really been taken to another level. One of Gucci’s most sought after long time, classic collections is the Horsebit collection. The first handbag from the Horsebit collection was created in 1955 and following the success of it a host of other […]

George Nelson furnishings

vintage chair

George Nelson Vintage Furnishings California Estate Sales and Auction Company consigs, auctions, and offers for public and private sale all types of vintage furnishings such as pieces by designer George Nelson. George Nelson furnishings are commonly found in movies and TV shows. Many people may not know the name George Nelson, but they recognize his […]

Maarten Vrolijk


maarten vrolijk I realize that everyone has their own style and taste, and yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, bla, bla, bla, but I think you’d be hard pressed to ever find anyone who was not impressed with the beauty found in the glass work of these stunning one-of-a-kind pieces by  Netherlands […]

Moser Czech Crysal wanted


Ludwig Moser CRYSTAL My new love is Moser crystal.  When I saw the above vase I knew I needed to know more.  I thought my go-to for crystal and art glass was Venini and Baccarat but things have changed. If I had a kid I would rename him Moser.   When I looked into who made […]

BAUHAUS furniture


Bauhaus Have you seen a chair like this? It can be worth about $85,000 It’s chairs like this that you want to keep an eye out for when attending estate sales.  Few realize that chairs like these can be valued in the range of $50,000-$85,000. Bauhaus got it’s name from a German art and design […]

Auction or consign antiques in Orange County California


What we do We auction and consign all types of antiques research, valuate, market, sale, consign, or auction. California Estate Sales and Auction Company’s primary focus is fine art, fine jewelry, and rare collectibles. Over the past 35 years the firm has established itself as one of the primary art dealers in the nation with […]

Abstract Art


Abstract Art Whether you own Curvilinear Abstract Art, Color-Related or Light-Related Abstract Art, Geometric Abstraction, Institutional Abstract Art, Gestural Abstract Art, Minimalist Abstract Art, we can assist you in public or private sale, consignment, or auction. California Estate Sales and Auction Company’s primary focus is of fine art and fine jewelry. Some of the most […]