Vases and Vessels

Vases, Vessels, and Values Researching values before selling is crucial….or just hire someone who knows. Vases Jars, Cachepots and Jardinières Urns When it comes to offering high value decorative collectibles for sale you must get the price right. Priced to low will create regret for years to come and priced too high can tarnish the […]
Dealing in art

Abstract Art Whether you own Curvilinear Abstract Art, Color-Related or Light-Related Abstract Art, Geometric Abstraction, Institutional Abstract Art, Gestural Abstract Art, Minimalist Abstract Art, we can assist you in public or private sale, consignment, or auction. California Estate Sales and Auction Company’s primary focus is of fine art and fine jewelry. Some of the most […]
KPM Limoges

KPM Limoges Consignment, sale, or auction Many people use the term “Limoges” as though it is a brand name but of course collectors know that Limoges is a city in France. It was this location where kaolin clay was first discovered which changed the course of the region Limoges china is known for it’s extreme […]
Decorative Items

Decorative Items Art glass, mantle clocks, sculptures, candelabras, mirrors, urns, art, books, music boxes, vases. Many people will remember grandma’s antique clock that sat on her mantle above the fireplace in the living room. It was never moved over all the years. It may have even been gilded with gold. She may have had a […]
Asian Art, Furnishings, and Accessories

Asian Art, Objects, & Furnishings What Exactly Is Asian Art? Asian art typically consists of items from China, Korea, Japan, India, Southwest Asia, and the Middle East that have significance. It would include items such as ceramics, textiles, screens and paintings and prints, sculptures, bowls, baskets, and even clothing and jewelry. Older items carry much […]
Tiffany Lamps

Tiffany Lamps Louis Comfort Tiffany, son of Tiffany & Co. founder Charles Lewis Tiffany started the Tiffany Lamp company rather than joining the family’s famous jewelry business. Louis then became on of the most significant artists during the period of Art Nouveau. Louis opened “Tiffany Studios”, and his early, most famous jobs included the Lyceum […]
Collectible Chinese Jars

Chinese Ginger Jars From inexpensive functional storage to stunning fine art, Chinese ginger jars have become the go-to piece for decorators, collectors, and people just wanting to update their decor. These jars are most easily identified by their high shoulders and domed lids. Ginger jars come in a wide range of colors, patterns, and sizes […]

STEUBEN GLASS If you have an Steuben glass pieces or a Steuben collection for sale, we would like to speak to you. Steuben is an iconic American glass manufacturer. Although the firm has gone through changes in ownership it still produces art glass today. Steuben has a rich history of having their pieces displayed in […]
Maarten Vrolijk

maarten vrolijk I realize that everyone has their own style and taste, and yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, bla, bla, bla, but I think you’d be hard pressed to ever find anyone who was not impressed with the beauty found in the glass work of these stunning one-of-a-kind pieces by Netherlands […]
Moser Czech Crysal wanted

Ludwig Moser CRYSTAL My new love is Moser crystal. When I saw the above vase I knew I needed to know more. I thought my go-to for crystal and art glass was Venini and Baccarat but things have changed. If I had a kid I would rename him Moser. When I looked into who made […]