Harry Winston is an American jeweler who has owned some of the most important diamonds in the world. He owned the Hope Diamond for 10 years, inspired the iconic movie “Diamonds are a girls best friend” and is known for some of the highest quality jewelry ever made.
Winston first worked in his fathers jewelry store when he was a kid. His first ‘transaction’ was when he was twelve years old when he spotted a two carat emerald in a pawn shop. He purchased the stone for 25 cents and days later he sold it for $800. Winston eventually started his own business in 1920 and his first store was opened in New York City.
When Winston passed away he left the company to his two sons, Ronald and Bruce. The company is now valued at about $100 million.
Harry Winston, the company, inspired the film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and the song “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend”. There is even a line in the song, “Talk to me, Harry Winston” further highlighting the firm. In 2008 Lauren Weisberger published a comic novel titled, Chasing Harry Winston.
The Hope Diamond: A 45.52 carats stone, dark Grayish-Blue with a cushion cut. Winston bought this diamond in 1949 and 10 years later donated it to Smithsonian in Washington DC. This diamond has a long rich history and many believe the stone is bad luck. It is hard to believe but it is said that Winston sent the diamond to the museum via a registered first-class mail. The packaging too is among the display. I have personally seen the stone and it was not what I expected. I was actually disappointed in the diamond but I was very impressed with the massive 70+ carat pink star ruby on display next to the Hope diamond.
The Briolette of India, a 90.38 carat diamond with a briolette cut.
The Countess Széchényi , a 62.05 carat, D color, pear-shaped stone.
The McLean Diamond, a 31.26 carats stone with antique cushion cut. He later sold this stone to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor in 1950.
The Nepal, a 79.41 carat colorless, pear-shaped cut stone.
The Niarchos, a 128.25 carats D color and Flawless,pear-shaped stone.
The Oppenheimer, 253.70 carats light yellow, uncut.
As we are located 15 minutes from the Harry Winston shop in South Coast Plaza, we often manage the sale of Harry Winston jewelry and watches from our Newport Beach, Corona Del Mar, or Laguna clients. You do not need to have a full estate sale in order to use the services of California Estate Sales and Auction Company. We regularly arrange for private or public sale or auction of fine jewelry on behalf of our clients. Whether it is a single solitaire diamond ring, a 50+ carat diamond cuff bracelet, or a life time collection of fine jewelry, we can assist you in getting the fair market value for your items.