Recently our Newport Beach estate sales and Corona Del Mar consignments have been yielding a fair amount of Ralph Lauren furnishings, alligator handbags, and significant collectibles. Items range from new, recent, and vintage.
I remember where I was when I first learned that Ralph Lauren was coming out with home furnishings. I also recall the day Calvin Klein made this same announcement. Both times it stopped me in my tracks. I recall the clear cylinder lamps being one of the pieces getting so much buzz. They were oversized and so chic, and there was nothing else like it. The only designer doing oversized furnishings at that time was Kreiss.
Now Ralph Lauren Home includes furniture, bed and bath linens, china, crystal, silver, decorative accessories, lighting, fabric, wallcovering, and paint in over 400 colors.
In terms of handbags, Ralph Lauren alligator bags have become as sought after as Hermes, Chanel, and Nancy Gonzales. A new alligator bag by Ralph will set you back about $30,000.00 It will last you a lifetime, and it will hold it’s value, a special piece for sure. Currently the resale market is very good for Ralph Lauren high-end bags, so acting now is a good idea if you are thinking of selling. Typically when we find sellers of such bags, they have their eye on the newest model…aahhh, the circle of life.
Ralph Laurens ‘purple label’ created in 1994 is the most sought after in clothing for both men and women. It includes the stunning evening wear seen on the red carpets of Hollywood, and events in and around Newport Beach, Corona Del Mar, and alike. We see the cashmere coats reselling for 80% of their retail value, and evening wear is always of interest to Ralph collectors as well.
If you have any Ralph Lauren Home furnishings of any age and condition, clothing, handbags, china, crystal, or collectibles, we can help you recoup much of your investment. Call us for a chat and learn how we can manage any size sale for you.