Gosh we hope so.
In 1991 Silver was at an all time (modern day) low at $3.64 an ounce. Today it is at $14.62 an ounce, but in 2011 it shot up to $41.00 an ounce!
People always speculate if one day, Silver will be valued like Gold, over $1000.00 an ounce. We sure hope so and so does everyone else. If this was so, everyone is going to be treasuring their Sterling Silver jewelry, flatware, and coins with a greater level of love!
We have noticed Sterling Silver more and more pronounced at our estate sales over the past year. There is almost always some Silver and some Gold found at our sales, but lately, we are finding much more volumes of metal.
People are deciding to liquidate their collections, some are just purging for space, and others are retiring and wanting to lighten their ‘load’.
Retail buyers love Silver jewelry and collectors love the silver coins and bars so it’s a win win for all.
Today the price of gold is $14.00 an ounce. It will be interesting to see where it goes from here as interest rates sneak up.
If you have any Silver that you would like to liquidate, contact us for a free evaluation.